Conference in Beijing on Inner Development and Well-Being

Co-organized by Bene Wellness, Beijing, and the Holistic Centers' Network

November 10 to 13, 2018

I will be speaking on the evolution of the holistic movement in the West at a major conference in Beijing in early November. After twenty five years of unrelenting economic growth, China seems to be hungry for a deeper approach to life than mere materialism. I wrote about this at some length in a blog post here in a piece entitled the New, Emerging Holistic China.

Difficult though it may be to grasp, many Chinese people, especially the young, are eager for sense of meaning, holistic approaches to personal growth, and even for the exploration of spiritual paths. There is a sense that China has lost connection to its enormously refined and wise ancient culture and that many deeply human values have fallen away in the rush for prosperity. And the government does not seem to object, as long as this desire for change is channeled into inner transformation rather than political activism.

His upcoming conference is co-organized by Bene Wellness in Beijing, a new holistically oriented center in the heart of the city, and the International Network of Holistic Centers of which I have been part for over thirty years. 

My month in China last spring firmly convinced me of the authenticity of this yearning for inner growth and meaning in China. Everything holistic is at the height of interest for many young, educated Chinese people. And when they look at the holistic movement in the West, they see a cultural impulse in which there is nothing imperialistic. There is instead a great respect for the Wisdom of the East, including the profound beauty of the I Ching and the Tao Te Ching. So much of the holistic worldview has been influenced by Asian wisdom that there is  a significant element of familiarity in it.

I'll post a link to an English language version of their website when it becomes available.

You could make a case that the awakening in China is one of the great consciousness stories of the present time. I'm happy to be returning there in November and will update readers of my blog on the freshest developments.


EVENTSBuffie Francisco